
About Us

Cleanovas About Us

Why choose us?

Most awarded cleaning company since 1995.

We carefully screen all of our cleaners, so you can rest assured that your home would receive the absolute highest quality of service providing. Shall under In yielding saying given dominion don’t of two god which said. Morning greater Lesser day given fruitful.

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How it Works

Get amazing cleaning in 4 simple steps

Provide a Details

If you would like to request a special service, change your cleaning detail

Pick suitable plan

Request a special service for your cleaning home to cleaning thorough

Set Schedule

Select the schedule which are applicable to you and our staff help you anytime

Get things done

Get amazing cleaning plus those cleaning & special find elsewhere

Team Members

We have a expert team to serve you.

Fun and facts

250 +

Professional and Experienced staff ready to help you anytime.

14 m

Proving all type of cleaning solutions every small and big businesses

460 +

We start with a thorough detail clean throughout your house.

30 k

We hold a successful track record of satisfying our customers.


Trusted by thousand of people & companies.

“I would recommend practitioners at this center to everyone! They are great to work with and are excellent trainers. Thank you all!”

Evangeline Lee


“I would recommend practitioners at this center to everyone! They are great to work with and are excellent trainers. Thank you all!”

Adeline wood

Satisfied Client

“I would recommend practitioners at this center to everyone! They are great to work with and are excellent trainers. Thank you all!”

Naomi Violet


“I would recommend practitioners at this center to everyone! They are great to work with and are excellent trainers. Thank you all!”

Hazel Jenkins

Satisfied Client

“I would recommend practitioners at this center to everyone! They are great to work with and are excellent trainers. Thank you all!”

Ariana Green


“I would recommend practitioners at this center to everyone! They are great to work with and are excellent trainers. Thank you all!”

Parsons William

Ceo & Founder

460 +

Professional and Experienced staff
ready to help you





